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Sea Sister wrap bracelet - Navy Mom

Sea Sister wrap bracelet - Navy Mom


After my son joined the Navy, I found out that I am now a part of a great big family. Without the friendships and ear of my fellow Sea Sisters, I don't know how I would make it though this roller coaster of a ride...only they truly know what a Navy Mom or Wife goes through, supporting their loved ones while they serve our country. Hooyah!!

The button and charm on this bracelet are made of sterling silver. The beads are riverstone. The bracelet is hand fabricated from scratch, by me. If there is a different color combination (I have many colors of leather and other beads to choose from), contact me. There are three different openings for the button to ensure proper fit.

**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Official Crafter of the Navy; License number HOB-NTLPO-KJAKUMD01
